Wednesday, May 6, 2009

The Latest Survey About The European Parliament Candidates In Finland

In my last post I wrote about The European Parliament elections in Finland and how people sees that. Today Helsingin Sanomat, which is probably the most appreciated daily newspaper in Finland, published the results of a survey about the popularity of different candidates. The newspaper interviewed a thousand Finnish people and the results weren't very surprising; the first place went to Timo Soini and he has publicly announced that if he gets elected he will go to the European Parliament, because he wants to criticize EU. Second and third place went to experienced politicians Heidi Hautala and Ville Itälä. Hautala is best known from her critical attitude towards Russia and Itälä is currently a Member Of European Parliament.

                                                           Heidi Hautala

What comes to the celebrity candidates in Finland it looks like no one is going to get a place in the European Parliament. The only exception is pastor Mitro Repo but he has got into troubles with church, because the opinion of Orthodox Church is that a member of the priesthood can't take part to politics. Other celebrity candidates like journalist Johanna Korhonen, former running star Johanna Manninen and former swimming star Jani Sievinen would get only a few percentages of votes.

                                                                                  Johanna Manninen

So it’s about one month before the election date in Finland and the final candidate lists are ready.  The final number of candidates in Finland is 241 and only 13 of those get elected. Like the survey indicates people who have experience in the field of politics have much better chances to get elected than the celebrity candidates who just decided that it would be great to be a MEP. It will be interesting to see the final results.  


  1. First EU election crisis in media? According to "Iltalehti" Orthodox church will take father Mitro's priesthood rights away, because he is involved in politics.

  2. Hip Hooray for father Mitro, a brave shepherd of his flock.
