Monday, May 25, 2009

Berlusconi - Once he had a daughter, a lover or what?

It took me a while to decide if it was appropriate to write about the latest Silvio Berlusconi saga, but considering how big story became, I believe I cannot resume myself in drawing my own conclusion.

On April 28th Repubblica, one of the most read left wing newspapers in Italy, published the news that Berlusconi went to the birthday party of an eighteen years old girl near Naples, Italy.

Nothing wrong so far, a prime minister still has his own private life, but when Repubblica interviewed the girl something rather strange happened.

The girl called Noemi Letizia referred to Berlusconi as ‘’ my papi’’.
My papi? If we take that papi means daddy, is Mr. Berlusconi the father of Noemi.

Well, Noemi already has a father Mr.Elio Letizia (pic.below). And who is he? He is an average guy, may be well off, but still an average guy. He has nothing to do with the high finance and the multimillion reality of Mr. Berlusconi, so what is going on?

Did Mr. Letizia agreed with forgiving his wife loose attitude towards married life? Or is there something more sinister? From the first moment, it came quite clear that Mr. Letizia had nothing to forgive to his wife, so what’s the deal?

In Berlusconi’s family the news on Noemi had an unsuspected effect. Berlusconi’s wife Ms Veronica Lario welcomed the news with the divorce papers.

And what Berlusconi himself did? He grabbed the opportunity to accuse the media and the opposition parties of building up a non existing case and of plotting against him at less then a month to the European elections.

So if the case in just bubble, what is the relation between Berlusconi and Noemi?

The media has speculated on different possible scenarios favoring the two spiciest options: father or lover of an under age girl.

Berlusconi, so far, hasn’t given a plausible answer.

Today, May 25th, in with CNN interview he said ‘’ I will speak out, I will explain exactly what the situation is. I will still have the Italians on my side and once again this accusation will act as a boomerang against the people that have started it."

So, does Mr. Berlusconi have a winning hand which will be reveled just before the elections or is this the beginning of Silvio’s decline?

We will see

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