Friday, May 15, 2009

The difficulty of politics...

Opinion Article COMMPOL BLOG 15.05.12009

COMMPOL BLOG a place where communication and politics meet with entertainment and new media.’ This is the heading of our Communication & Politics blog in BlogSpot. Even though the developments of the new media create more connections between these four subgroups it is still very difficult to write a text that combines these ideas and at the same time is balanced, interesting and most of all worth reading.

A Polish-born American Jewish novelist, dramatist, and essayist Sholem Asch has said ‘Writing is a lot easier if you have something to say’. (1)

This is the difficulty which I constantly struggle with. I don’t know if it’s the lack of a more specific topic or the lack of my imagination to find something interesting, something new.

The blog description should help me with this; it reads: A blog for the Media Relations course at Balitc Film and Media School. Our group will be covering topics where politics and communication intertwine. As members of our group come from different nationalities and with various interests we can hopefully give a broader view on issues and topics we are going to present here.

Keeping this in mind it is possible to write about the elections, political campaigns, conflicts or new media developments and social networks. It is very crucial to think about the topic beforehand because no one is interested in so called ‘old news’. Perhaps one of the reasons behind this struggle is my interest which is more on the communication side rather than the politics. However as our group has been writing in the blog for a while now, I have obliged myself to read and watch more news on politics. The best and easiest resource for that is the nine o’clock news on ETV – AK because in addition to local issues they cover current world topics as well.

All in all I think that occasionally it is very beneficial to do something that is challenging and difficult, because this is the only way we learn and grow. Therefore in the hopes of continuous progress I am looking forward to posting the next piece.

(1)Sholem Asch from Wikipedia -

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