Probably the answer will be negative if the reader is not Italian or an historian. Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia is the nephew of the last king of Italy Umberto II. After the proclamation of the Italian Republic on the 2nd of June 1946, the King and his heirs were send to exile and sanctioned by three articles of the Italian Constitution they were forbidden to reenter in Italy. The male members of the Savoia family couldn’t enter the Italian soil until the 16th of July 2002 when the Berlusconi government voted the abrogation of the three Constitutional articles.
Vittorio Emauele di Savoia together with his wife and his son Emanuele Filiberto landed in Rome airport for the first time since 1946 on the 15th of March 2003.
The Italian parliament unofficially agreed in avoiding asking the Savoia to swore fidelity to the Italian Constitution as long as they publicly declared of having no intention to claim back the crown.
But why am I talking about the Savoia family and in the specific of Emanuele Filiberto? Perhaps if this was a gossip or TV blog the answer could be because Emanuele Filiberto was the winner of the 2009 edition of the Italian ‘’Dancing with the Stars’’, but considering the fact that in this space I always try to see the public relation side of political events, the answer is rathe
r different. Emauele Filiberto di Savoia former crown prince is officially candidate to the European parliament with the Union of Christian Democrats (UDC).
Pier Ferdinando Casini leader of UDC and former allied of Silvio Berlusconi, understood the importance of riding the fresh and renewed popularity gained with his winning participation in Dancing with the Stars and the importance of creating ‘’buzz’’ around his party by candidating a public figure such as Emanuele Filiberto. Will it pay off?
Vittorio Emauele di Savoia together with his wife and his son Emanuele Filiberto landed in Rome airport for the first time since 1946 on the 15th of March 2003.
The Italian parliament unofficially agreed in avoiding asking the Savoia to swore fidelity to the Italian Constitution as long as they publicly declared of having no intention to claim back the crown.
But why am I talking about the Savoia family and in the specific of Emanuele Filiberto? Perhaps if this was a gossip or TV blog the answer could be because Emanuele Filiberto was the winner of the 2009 edition of the Italian ‘’Dancing with the Stars’’, but considering the fact that in this space I always try to see the public relation side of political events, the answer is rathe
Pier Ferdinando Casini leader of UDC and former allied of Silvio Berlusconi, understood the importance of riding the fresh and renewed popularity gained with his winning participation in Dancing with the Stars and the importance of creating ‘’buzz’’ around his party by candidating a public figure such as Emanuele Filiberto. Will it pay off?
If the school of Berlusconi taught him well and if the rules of Buzzmarketing apply to politics as well as economy, then the European Parliament will soon have Pince Emanuele Filiberto di Savoia as one of the Italian representatives.
Interesting post, I just wanted to correct that Emanuele Filiberto is the grandson of the last king, not the nephew.