Thursday, May 7, 2009

Finnish Government Built a Brothel to Afghanistan?

On March I wrote how our President Tarja Halonen wants to increase the aid help for the undeveloped countries and especially concentrate the aid help on women’s rights and equality issues.

The Finnish government built a new prison to Afghanistan for women, where they could learn some new skills and practice a small business by selling handicrafts to outside of prison. Since most of the women were convicted for adultery (including rape victims) the intention of this prison was good: to educate them and give them a new start in life.

Unfortunately there have been rumors that the prison guards misused their power and prison have been working as a brothel. This has been in media for two days now and according to the latest information the prison staff has been expelled, but the government of Afghanistan refuses to comment about this issue.

“This is a very deplorable case” said Foreign Minister Stubb. He told to Helsingin Sanomat that Finland tries to fix the situation in that prison, but other projects in Afghanistan are now finished and the aid money will go somewhere else.

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