Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Why vote at the European Parliament elections?

This is something people ask themselves quite often. Not only in The European Parliament election context but also before any election which needs the decision “to vote or not to vote?”

In Estonia the voting activity has dropped from year to year. People tend to think that their vote doesn´t count for anything and nothing will change anyway. But is that really true ? There have been occasions in the history of different sorts of elections that one vote makes the difference. This is not an excuse that nothing will change. Nothing will never change if you don´t start trying to change it yourself. If all the people would vote for what they believe is the best for the government/ their country/ Europe, we would be in a totally different world now.

It´s becoming a trend that people who by all means should vote, tend not to do so. So I´m asking/ proposing- Let´s make a change. Let´s start to make things better by electing the right people to represent us. Let´s make ourselves heard. Let Europe hear us!

When voting at the European Parliament elections, you are the one, who decides up on the everyday life and future of 500 million Europeans. If you don´t vote someone else will elect the members of the EU parliament. This is a decision which may affect your life for the next five years. You have the choice to elect the people you want into the parliament. If you don´t vote your voice will not be heard.

The importance of diplomats in the European Parliament is increasing everyday. They are the people who control the everyday life of Europe and are trying to make it better and more comfortable for everyone. The person who you voted for is your voice in the European Parliament- why wouldn´t you choose to use that possibility? Make your voice heard and do something to make things better, instead of just complaining.

It doesn´t matter who you are- young or old, student or retired, The European Union affects your everyday life. The European Parliament deals with everyday problems. Even if you don´t see or feel the changes, it doesn´t mean that they are not there. The basic convenience such as free boarders- it´s easy to travel, work, study and live in other European countries, the choice is rather large- 27 of them. The parliament stands for cleaner air, less pollution, better jobs and services.
So make your choice and vote- Don´t let others make the decision for you!

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