Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Mr. Silvio Berlusconi warns his party on PR rival.

After two years of electoral victories at every level of the Italian political scenario, Popolo delle Liberta' gets a warning from its leader, prime minister and media tycoon Mr. Silvio Berlusconi.

According to Mr. Berlusconi the new leader of the opposition party ( Partito Democratico), Mr. Dario Franceschini, could have more chances to achieve better results then is predecessor.

Mr. Franceschini became the secretary of PD just twenty days ago, replacing Mr. Walter Veltroni, after another electoral disaster for his party in the Sardegna regional elections. So, why is Mr. Franceschini more ''dangerous'' then its predecessor? Did he perform some political miracle? Does it have an enlightening vision to solve Italy's problems? Is he the new guru of the Italian political scene?

As reported by Corriere della Sera the concern of Mr. Berlusconi is not the political skills of his opponent, rather his look and his capacity to be in television. '' That good boy face works on TV'' warned Mr. Berlusconi. There is no doubt that Mr. Berlusconi, knows what he is talking about. Owner of three national private TV stations and a media empire, he built his political career on his image cultivation.

Throughout his career he made public relations and his appearances on TV the core of his political strategy. Since his rise in power the oppositions have in a number of occasion accused him of using PR techniques instead of having a real political agenda.

Is something now going to change? Has the Partito Democratico finally understood that there is no victory without communication and image cultivation?

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